This is the newest phase we are beginning to see at competitions. It is currently an optional phase the host agency may include in sanctioned trials but the points accumulated do not apply to overall awards or year awards. More and more K9 teams are being requested to search vast area for items of evidence discarded by suspects. Dogs with their acute sense of smell can make quick work of covering a large area saving valuable time and in many ways conducting a more thorough search of the area.
K9 teams are tested on their ability to search a designated area. The handler must remain outside of the specific search area and be able to direct his K9 partner as needed in locating concealed items of evidence. The event is timed in an effort to test the teams ability to work quickly and the handlers ability to read his dogs reactions under pressure. K9 handlers are asked to specify their dogs reaction to items located. Some dogs will bark or lay alongside the item while others may retrieve the item and bring it back to the handler. Department training and K9 abilties may vary and will be taken into account.